
Tachometer with a touch screen

Tachometer with a touch screen

Final product

PCB projects, elements assembly

PCB projects, elements assembly

Example circuit

PCB projects, elements assembly

PCB projects, elements assembly

Example circuit

PCB projects, elements assembly

PCB projects, elements assembly

Example circuit

Reseter operated by website

Reseter operated by website

Main module

Reseter operated by website

Reseter operated by website

Executive module

Reseter operated by website

Reseter operated by website

Front panel of an executive module

Tachometer with a touch screen

Tachometer with a touch screen

Final product

Tachometer with a touch screen

Tachometer with a touch screen


Optical tester

Optical tester

Element's board

USB hardware watchdog

USB hardware watchdog



Temperature and fuel lever displayer

Temperature and fuel lever displayer

Tachometer with a touch screen

Tachometer with a touch screen

Error screen

Fuel consumption counter

Fuel consumption counter

Tachometer with a touch screen

Tachometer with a touch screen

Sensor specification

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